5 ways to maximise your employees mobile productivity


5 ways to maximise your employees mobile productivity

Virtually every employee today has a smartphone. Many also have tablets, such as iPads and Android devices. Most businesses are underutilising these devices, because they belong to the employee in most cases. Ignoring these Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) devices is a mistake. Your hyper-connected employees are glued to their mobile devices, and savvy business owners and executives have realised the secret to higher employee productivity is embracing mobility and the BYOD trend.

Find ways to help your staff work more, work smarter, and serve your clients better. The key is to empower the mobile experience of your staff, without compromising security and control of your corporate data. Business-class file sync services can give you the best of both worlds: you can allow your corporate data to be synced to employee mobile devices, without giving up control of your corporate data. Here’s how:

1. Sync to smartphones

Business-class cloud file sync services allow employees to sync their critical work files between their desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and the cloud. Your staff becomes more nimble and productive when they have their files at their fingertips, no matter where they go. Whether it is iOS, Android, or Windows Phone, business-class sync keeps users connected on the go.

2. Empower them with tablets

Tablet users today are usually your cutting edge staffers. More and more, everyday computing tasks once performed on laptops are now being done on iPads and Android tablets. Tablets are great for field-based staff, often sales professionals. Whether your staff is visiting a client or working a tradeshows, tablets are fantastic for demos, show and tell, and visual content to share with prospects and clients. Growth-oriented companies should encourage tablet use and help users leverage all of their files and corporate data, securely from their tablets.

3. Sync your file server

Mobile devices are the lifeline for remote employees. But it is easy to feel cut off from HQ if all the content, files, and data you need is stuck back on the corporate file server. Business-grade sync services allow you to cloud connect your file server and in turn sync the content to mobile users and other remote computers. On-the-go professionals are in sync with HQ and better able to serve clients and prospects in the field.

4. Don’t lose control

Leveraging employee mobile devices is not without risks. Data privacy and security has always been a balancing act. With BYOD resources, it is no different. But with business-grade sync services, you can connect employees with your corporate data without losing control of that information. Business-class services allow you to implement fine-grained controls on employee sync and share behavior. For instance, you could allow employees to sync to their iPhone and iPad, but not a remote Windows or Mac device. You may also evolve your security policy over time, either loosening or strengthening your policies depending on the circumstances. The choice is yours.

5. Be ready when disaster strikes

No matter which security policies you implement, you need to be ready for when disasters strike. Everyday disasters are all too common, such as lost or stolen smartphones. With business-grade file sync, you can remotely wipe corporate data off of a lost device. In more serious situations, such as an employee termination, you are also ready. Remote wipe actions can be taken on a whole user account and across devices that were previously synced, eliminating corporate data from smartphones, tablets, and remote computers.

Balancing security and convenience is a necessary choice in today’s workplace. Fortunately, business-class file sync helps business owners and executives ride the mobility wave, while safeguarding corporate data.

Learn more how to boost employee productivity in 8 steps