Technology Tag

Due to the impact of COVID-19, the number of people who work remotely has dramatically risen, meaning IT infrastructures and online systems are more relied upon by businesses than ever before. Inevitably, as virtual activity has increased, so has the threat posed by cyber security attacks. Without...

 These six business technologies can help your company run smoother, gain and retain customers, improve productivity, and even avoid public scandals.  When the entire world shut down due to the pandemic, that’s when technology shined really bright, showing its worth. Overnight, the ability to connect to...

Cloud technology is not just growing quickly, it’s evolving! Pandemic has nudged many budding startups and big companies to adopt cloud services to ensure business continuity. Top cloud players like AWS, Azure, google cloud are expected to grow bigger by end of 2021 and 60% of companies...

The ongoing growth of cellular wireless network applications creates new demand for emerging technologies. Fifth-generation (5G) wireless communication includes several network layers that leverage technology such as Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN), network slicing, and cloud edge computing. Within cloud-edges, the broader artificial intelligence (AI)...

Microsoft on Monday announced it has started rolling out a guest access feature in Microsoft Teams. The ability to have guests in Teams requires that an organization have a particular subscription, but no separate licensing is needed for the guests. Here's how it was explained in this "Guest Access...

 BEFORE the Covid-19 pandemic, long-term trends such as the proliferation of new digital technologies, evolving demographics and rising social concerns about inequality and the environment were already changing the way work is done, by whom and where. The global pandemic served as an accelerator and forced...