Is It Time to Move to Cloud Computing?

cloud computing

Is It Time to Move to Cloud Computing?

Over the last two years, the global pandemic has seen massive amounts of business activity taken online, from Zoom meetings to Microsoft Teams, to remote accessing of processes.

This can only be a good thing for collaborative working, reducing running costs and sustainability. There has been a larger discussion about exactly how much physical business premises will even be a necessity, going forward.

However, when it comes to running processes via the Internet, Cloud computing is required. Following in the footsteps of larger companies, many SMEs are now debating whether to make the move to Cloud-powered applications and what such a move would mean for their business in the short and longer-term


The Cloud

The Cloud is a method of storing large amounts of information and running applications via remote servers. This means that users can store their data and run systems without needing huge memory storage capacity on-site.

Most large companies conduct business using Cloud computing, from banks to e-commerce to healthcare providers. But more and more SMEs are making the jump to the Cloud nowadays, as it has multiple benefits even for smaller businesses.


Storage Solution

One of the most utilised functions of Cloud computing is data storage. In the consumer market, most Apple devices, for example, will have photos stored on the iCloud.

Cloud storage is scalable, so a business can pay for as much capacity as it requires and adjust it as the enterprise grows and changes, meaning that it is not the expensive option that it used to be.

A great advantage of storing data remotely is that it is accessible from anywhere. It is also automatically backed up and recoverable. In the event of any hardware issue or on-site storage failure, all information is still safe, up-to-date, and available.

Cloud storage also removes any need to keep large amounts of data on business premises, either on servers or in the form of paper files, making it both a safer and a more sustainable option.


Safety Concerns

High-profile data leaks in the past have made some small businesses understandably nervous about putting sensitive information into Cloud storage.

However, systems have moved on considerably, and Cloud storage is now decentralised using blockchain technology. This advance in data storage technology means that information is divided between multiple server locations, making it much harder for hackers to breach security. It’s now a safer place to store data than keeping it on your own server or premises.


Online Office

We are all much more used to having meetings and events online, following the challenges of lockdown. Cloud connectivity means that teams can collaborate without being in the same location, using services such as DropBox to share information.

Meetings, conferences, training, and project meetings can all be conducted via the Internet in real-time, meaning huge savings in premises costs, travel, catering and so on.


Check Your Email

Cloud-based email solutions provide a cost-effective and efficient way of managing your company’s email traffic. Cloud email hosting means that businesses no longer

need to use space on their servers to handle staff email accounts, with the associated cost implications of updates and replacement hardware.


Online Payment Solutions

For any business conducting eCommerce operations, a Cloud application is an affordable and scalable solution. A Cloud-based eCommerce platform completely removes the need for in-house sales management and can be scaled up as an enterprise evolves, without any hardware costs.

Into the Cloud

For more information about Cloud applications contact us.